divendres, 17 d’octubre del 2014

Tropico: Lana del Rey

well, this is what I wait for during hours in Youtube. I spent almos a whole night awake since Lana del Rey put this video in youtube. There was a lot of rumors behind this short film that said that Lana would leave music world and tropico was her way to say good bye. But it wasn't true, fortunately this year the singer put her last album, ultraviolence, on sale this summer. Wich I waited for, for a lot of months.
Personally, I believe that she's a really good singer, in fact is my favourite singer. I know that she's a llitle bit weird and chaotic but she has a very strong personality. She's crazy, but she feels free. Her voice conveys you a lot of feelings: sadness, love and takes you to the 60's with just a song. her music comfortes me a lot when I feel sad  or stressed, I put her albums on my iPhone's music, I put my earphones and I reed while Im liying in the bed.
Well i don't know what else I can say, so here I leave you her Tropico flim and a song. I hope you like it.

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