dilluns, 22 d’octubre del 2012

The animal in me

Genus and species:
Collective Term:
A gambol of cottontails
Careers and Hobbies
Famous Cottontails
Monica Lewinsky
Marilyn Monroe
Anna Nicole Smith

Cottontail personalities are small, gentle individuals with a tendency towards shyness and whose instinct is to run at the first sign of danger. Their extraordinarily acute senses are well-developed and always on the lookout for any impending peril.
Cottontails are astoundingly cute and rely heavily on their soft personalities and vulnerable appearance to succeed.
These beautiful and skittish creatures have the most elegant imaginations of all; spending hours creating magnificent castles in air and populating them with an endless variety of whimsically pastoral characters. These romantic dreams dramatically influence the cottontail's behavior, and although they could be described as quirky, they're also friendly, warm, and understanding.
Although they are bright, cottontails often hide their intelligence when it interferes with their primary method of survival: cuteness! Almost all mammal personalities find them to be irresistibly attractive and they rarely need to employ their personal resources to succeed in their careers or relationships.
Their quiet, solitary behavior is often mistaken for timidness, but cottontails are actually quite aggressive in their search for resources.
Because they lack the physical strength of larger animal personalities, they must rely on their social skills to compete in the workplace.
Cottontails function best in situations that don't involve confrontations, which means they are not natural salespeople, but their ability to work with others means they are well-suited for careers in customer support, diplomacy, administrative work and nursing.

  • Do you agree with the results? yes, I'm agree with the most part of he description because says that I got a lot o imatination and it's true. And I'm tendency shy and I often mastake for the timidness. I'm not agree with some of jobs like: Nursing, hiking, volunteering and camping.

dilluns, 8 d’octubre del 2012

My top song now

Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time

It’s always a good time/ sempre ho passem bé 
It’s always a good time/ sempre ho passem bé
Woke up on the right side of the bed/ em vaig llevar del costat dret del llit
What’s up with this Prince song inside my head?/ Que passa al meu cap amb aquella cançó de Prince?
Hands up if you’re down to get down tonight/ aixeca les mans si aquesta nit vols sortir
Because it’s always a good time./ per que sempre ho passem bé

Slept in all my clothes like I didn’t care/ vaig dormir a sobre de la meva roba com si no m'importés 
Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere/ vaig fer un salt cap a un cotxe, porta'm a qualsevol lloc
I’m in if you’re down to get down tonight/ m'apunto si vols sortir aquesta nit
Because it’s always a good time/ per que sempre ho passem bé

Good morning and good night/ bon dia i bonanit
I wake up at twilight/ m'aixeco quan es posa el sol
It’s gonna be alright/ estaré bé
We don’t even have to try/ no hem d'intentar res
It’s always a good time/ sempre ho passem bé

It’s always a good time/ sempre anirà bé
We don’t even have to try/ no hem d'intentar res
It’s always a good time -It’s always a good time-/ sempre ho passem bé

Freaked out/ histèrica
Dropped my phone in the pool again/ m'ha tornat a caure el telefon a la piscina
Checked out of my room hit the ATM/ vaig sortir de a meva habitació i vaig revisar el caixer automàtic
Lets hang out/ anem a passar l'estona
If you’re down to get down tonight/ si vols sortir per sortir aquesta nit
Because it’s always a good time/
sempre ho passem bé

Good morning and good night/ bon dia i bonanit
I wake up at twilight/  m'aixeco quan es posa el sol
It’s gonna be alright/ tot anirà bé
 we don’t even have to try/ no hem d'intentar res
It’s always a good time/
sempre ho passem bé

It’s always a good time/ sempre ho passem bé
We don’t even have to try, it’s always a good time/ no hem d'intentar res, sempre ho passem bé

It’s always a good time/sempre ho passem bé
We don’t even have to try, it’s always a good time/ no hem d'intenar res, sempre ho passem bé

Doesn’t matter when/ no importa quan
It’s always a good time then/ sempre ho passem bé després
Doesn’t matter where/ no importa on
It’s always a good time there/ sempre ho passem bé allà

Doesn’t matter when/ no importa quan
It’s always a good time then -It’s always a good time-/ sempre ho passem bé després/ sempre és un on moment

It’s always a good time/ sempre ho passem bé
We don’t even have to try, it’s always a good time/ no hem d'intentar res, sempre ho passem bé
It’s always a good time/ sempre ho passem bé
We don’t even have to try, it’s always a good time./ no hem d'intentar res, sempre ho passem bé

dilluns, 1 d’octubre del 2012

My dreams

My dream is make a travel around the the best places of the world.

The challenges I will meet are the money, If I don't have money I cant pay the hotels and the air planes flyes. Probably I have to go alone and I miss my friends and my family too, an other clallenge is the time because I want to go while I'm young and if I'm studying at the university, 1st I have to end te estudies.
The solutions are safe a lot of money working vey hard after end the studies and go with a friend to be more funny and don't miss a lot my other friends and my family.
It can be a nice experience in my life.