diumenge, 3 de març del 2013

Talking about love...

Sometimes we love someone woh doesn't love us, maybe a friend, a neighbor, an unknow person, but usualy , almost  always is a friend. This is the worst because yo don't know what can you do, you don't know what he feels about you and you are afraid to say him that you are in love with he for a lot of reasons like: spoile your friendship or the shame. So in my case I found this song and makes me feel understood because it happened to me a lot of times and I'm always afraid to say him "I love you". So if you are in my situation listen this song, it can make you feel better:)

You've been awake for hours, / Has estat despert durant hores
I've been awake for days. / Jo he estat desperta durant dies
My eyes to feel like I'm asleep/  els meus ulls es senten com adormits
stuck inside an empty dream. / atrapada en un somni vuit
Question if this is even real,/ preguntant-me si això és real
a cliché way for me to feel./ Un cliché per mi per sentir
Unfinished messages to send,/ missatges inacabats per enviar
I told you I never want to end./ et vaig dir que mai volia acabat

I've watched you break yourself in two/ vaig veure com et trencaves en dos
and try to give me half. / i intentant donant-me la meitat
And I seem to wonder what it takes to work, / I vaig intentar preguntar-me que necessitàvem per funcionar
to make this last./ per que això duri més

Only two more days,/ només dos dies més
to kill the mess we've made/ per matar l'error que vam cometre. 
And give the lions something to hunt for./ i donar-li als lleons alguna cosa per caçar
Cause now the ace is played, / perquè ara l'as està jugat
the desks are under queen of spades. / Els escriptoris estan baix les reines d'espases
There's nothing left for us to hope for./ no hi ha res que poguem esperar per nosaltres.

And I'd run to the furthest place I need to,/ i necessito córrer a un lloc llunyà
just to hear love./ només per escoltar amor
Cause I need to find out/ necessito trobar
how it feels to be broken in two hearts./ com es senten els cors trencats
Ohh. / jajaja això no cal traduir-ho

And do you think that I've run out on you now?/creus que he fugit de tu ara?
Cause I still yearn, if we pretend./ perquè segueixo enyorant, si ho preteniem
Can we go back to where broken things only needed plasters to mend./ podem tornar enrrere on les coses s'arreglaven amb tirites.

Let's stay awake for hours, / anem a quedar-nos desperts 
just like we did back then. / com feiem abans
When you draw pictures on my hand / quan dibuixaves dibuixos a la meva mà
in permanent marker pen./ amb un boli permanent 
We watch the sun go down,/ mire el sol ponent-se 
but never feel the end./ però mai sentir el final 
Cause I know the sun and darkness are/ perque se que el sol i la foscor són 
more than friends./ més que amics

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