diumenge, 2 de març del 2014

Do exercise while you're a batxillerat student

When I was sutudying ESO I had time enough to study and go to the gym, now I can't. I have to study almost the whole afternoon to "try" to pass the exams. Sometimes even if I wake up earlier ( at 5 o'clock) I fail them. I think that I'm blocked because I cannot do anything else but study. I'm so stressed, I don't have time for myself or if I have it I relax a little and then I study again. At the week end I try to go by bike but I want to meet with my friends too. i would like that teachers let us breathe and quit some homework or help us more to orgagnize the exams time table to get  rid of too many exams in one week. Sometimes I have an economy exam one day after bussiness and I confuse them. We need to have a social life or more time to know what we are doing.

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