dimecres, 3 de desembre del 2014

News: Tebbit and the euthanasia dilema.

Tebbit reveals his disabled wife told him " you'd be better off without me" as he speaks out agains assisted dying law.

Lord Tebbit's wife was paralysed in the 1984 IRA Bombing in Brighton hotel. Since that moment Mrs Tebbit has been in pain and unhappy. So she told her husband that she wants to die and leave pacefully. Since that moment he has been fighting in house of lords in favour of diying assist.

I think that is a justificated reason if you are in pain and you dont want to live enymore like this, to use the euthanasia. It has to be formalized by a lawyer to be legal and be in some kind of limits. Everybody has the right to dye with dignity and pacefully. She has been sufferinf for years and this is not fair for anyone, everybody has to leave happily without any kind of pain. Maybe if you are sick and you'll have a painfull way of die you want to have an assiested death. Brittany Maynard  made it in the USA, she has to move on to another state to be allowed of die intencionally. So, I believe that mrs. Tebbit has the same right and have hope for a better life somewhere, and hope for a better life for her husband.

Lord Tebbit said his wife Margaret had been in constant pain for the last 30 years, since she was injured in the 1984 IRA Brighton bombing, and the pain was getting worse

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